The Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI), the peak body representing the Australian automotive industry, has applauded the recommendations of the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Electric Vehicles.
Tony Weber, CEO of the FCAI, said the recommendations will serve as a kick start for the take up of EV technology in Australia.
“The international automotive industry has a strong focus on low emission and electric vehicles. Most brands have models either in concept form, in planning, or in production – and we even have several of these innovative vehicles on sale here in Australia right now,” Mr Weber said.
“However, awareness of EV technology in Australia is low and it has been proven that, without clear policy or support from government, sales of the vehicles will be slow in the initial stages.
“The recommendations made by the Senate Select Committee will provide a much-needed boost to ensure EVs increase on Australian roads, and our country keeps up with the rest of the world in terms of environmentally innovative mobility.
“Importantly, the report calls for the government to introduce a vehicle emissions standard in Australia. A credible yet realistic CO2 vehicle emissions reduction standard is critical to stimulate investment in lower-emission vehicle technologies for the Australian market.”
The key finding of the report was that “The Australian Government should prioritise the development of a national EV strategy and an inter-governmental taskforce to lead its implementation.” The report recommended the Government set strong targets for the growth of EVs in Australia, mitigate tax and duty costs on low emission vehicles, and implement a comprehensive plan for a public charging infrastructure.
In supporting such measures, the FCAI urges policymakers to take a holistic approach.
“Measures to support accelerated take-up of zero emissions vehicles should be part of a broader vehicle emissions package. This will help reduce emissions across Australia’s new vehicle fleet and stimulate the transition towards lower emissions technologies such as battery electric and hydrogen electric fuel cell vehicles,” Mr Weber said.
For more information, contact:
Lenore Fletcher,
Director, Communications and Emerging Technologies
0408 320 797
[email protected]